You can never go home…
A Novel By Derek Tabor
ISBN: 9798857916728 Available exclusively on Amazon
“AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or product maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential – however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial – it has the potential of civilization destruction.”
– Elon Musk, April 17, 2023
The Archivist
He lives in the lonely world between IRL and the Net. An operative of the U.S. Government working as a Cyber-Counter Terrorist agent. His success in data gathering and analysis had far surpassed his mentor, Charles Franklin. With Sarah dead he was back in and operating in the net again, on his own. Something was broken and it was responsible for Sarah’s death. Now he had to save her the only way he knew how. Save everyone else.
Everyone is connected…
Netizen… The permanent state of living a digital life. What does it require to be a Netizen? A thinking conscious entity, stored on a server, and having a personality matrix. Do you qualify? Netizens are not tourists. They are not visiting places and friends who may no longer exist in the real world. Netizens are those minds, and maybe souls, that have forgone their physical bodies for a life in a world governed by Artificial Intelligence. There are no more wars, intolerance, or disruptive behavior. The ability to digitize and control everything becomes possible after the Net Wars. People fundamentally changed and the net became an AI society of absolute peace. That is a product of its programming. But not everyone here wants that.
“Welcome. Enjoy your time here Netizen.”